Data exchange and system access for suppliers (CSN)

Information for suppliers and service companies to exchange data with the Volkswagen Group

Secure and reliable exchange of data and information is of great significance at the Volkswagen Group. For this purpose, networks and methods are provided to the partners of the Volkswagen Group (suppliers) to receive access to central systems within in the Volkswagen Group.

Get connected to the partner network of Volkswagen and/or Audi (CSN-network connection)

To be able to exchange data (e.g. CAD data) with the Volkswagen Group (brands) a technical connection to the partner network of Volkswagen and/or Audi is required. Furthermore, and if necessary/if desired, access to one or more application(s) must be provided/configured as well.
Depending on data classification of exchanged information, necessary prerequisites of the Volkswagen Group must be fulfilled by the partner.

Advice and support are provided by the company operational services GmbH & Co. KG with the following services:


Contact data of company
operational services GmbH & Co. KG

Tel.: 0800 5 877 877 (deutschlandweit)
Tel.: +49 375 60619 904 (international)
Fax: +49 391 580130760


In case of eventual upcoming problems or questions concerning application access or about the technical connection please do not hesitate to contact the Service Support Centers of operational services GmbH & Co. KG. It is available 24/7. A comprehensive 1st level support corresponding to the service management guidelines is provided.

Documents of company operational services GmbH & Co. KG

General CSN information

Please follow this link to view the following documents:

  • CSN Initial Information
  • CSN Connection Steps
  • CSN Checklist

Contract documents

Please follow this link to view the following documents:

  • CSN Contract
  • PDM Contract
  • Technical data
  • Price list